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The lives of the soldiers depended on the climate of each battle. In World War I, the battles went from dried arid lands, to wetlands with mud, to areas with beaches and mountains. Geography mattered in World War I because it affected military tactics, and the way how soldiers survived. Sometimes depending on the climate and location soldiers would die. In the Battle of Rafa, the land was dry and arid. It was different than most of the other battles. The climate in the battle was dry and arid. This affected the military tactics, and the health of many soldiers. It affected military tactics, because the dry land wouldn’t allow to built trenches. Unlike other battles such as The Battle of Yepress, which had a very humid, and wet land. It allowed the built of trenches, which gave the troops a advantage. Although this gave many advantage Turkey had the biggest advantage in the Battle of Gallipoli. Its location was located where their was mountains near the beach. It gave a great advantage to the turkish troops since they could fire any troop form their enemies coming in from the beaches. So to finalize, geography had a great impact in WWI.


The soldiers in WWI suffered of many health issues, lack of supplies, and physically pushed to their limits. The Battle of Rafa was very physically draining to all soldiers that fought in it. It was fought in a desert, so supplies were limited. Similar to The First Battle of Gaza in which soldiers sometimes did a full militar rotation with little water and food. In the First Battle of Gaza most of the soldiers had to travel long distances in extremely hot temperatures, and slept with little to no protection from rain. This caused many troubles with health. Many died, or were extremely wounded. Unlike the other two battles discussed, In the Battle of the Marne soldiers lived and went through very wet environments. It gave many soldiers trench foot, which many times caused soldiers to loose their feet. The experience soldiers went through wasn’t easy. Going through health issues, lack of supplies, and being pushed to limits.


In World War I nationalism, and power lead to imperialism. The pride of each of the countries made them want more power, and extend more their lands and territories. In the Battle of Rafa Imperialism is shown with the British. The british army was losing, but in the end they won. They did everything because of their pride and because of power. By fighting in this battle the British defended Egypt’s territory. This also includes part of members in New Zealand. In the battle of Tannenberg Russia wanted to take over. But they failed at it. Similar to the other two battles in the Battle of Romani German and Ottoman troops attempted to conquer the Suez Canal from the British for the second time. In conclusion nationalism, pride and power lead to imperialism.


In World War I there was many technological innovations, such as the plastic surgery, poison gas, air warfare, and tanks. In the Battle of Rafa they used cars with machine guns, and advances artillery that wasn't used before. In the battle of Ypress they used Chlorine gas for the first time. They also used riffles that were not used before. Similar to the battle of Ypress, the battle of Verdun used gasses. They used two types of gasses mustard gas and phosgene gas. Mustard gas causes severe burns, internal and external bleeding, blindness, blisters, and damage to lungs. Phosgene gas is deadlier than mustard bass, since it doesn't have strong smell making it hard to detect. Plastic Surgery also advanced a lot during WWI, since many soldiers lost parts of their faces and needed reconstruction. To finalize although their was many technological innovations, most of them where used in a negative way. The gases, and rifles only brought death, but in every negative event their is always a positive outcome.

Battle Connections:

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